Massage Tonics Reopen Update

Reopen Update

We are soft reopened with a very limited menu of services at Massage Tonics, under the direction of our spa manager. Appointments will be listed on our online booking system.

Elevated Spa Safety Protocols

We have elevated our already hyper clean, safety first protocols with expert guidance from our medical director, Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Texas Medical BoardTexas Department of Licensing & Regulation (TDLR), City of Houston, and State of Texas.

In addition to feeling completely pampered, here’s what you can expect for your spa visit to Massage Tonics:

Before Your Appointment

  • Pre-payment + tipping is an option. Let us know if you’d prefer to pay in advance when we call to confirm your appointment.
  • For the safety of all, please stay home if you have tested positive for COVID-19 or have had known close contact with someone who has in the last 14 days of your appointment. Do the same if you are coughing, experiencing difficulty breathing, or have a fever of 100.4 degrees. We’ll happily re-schedule you for a future visit!

At The Spa

  • Wear a mask over your nose and mouth in all common areas (we’ll have them on too). Masks are available for purchase if you happen to forget yours. ($1.00 for each)
  • Sanitize your hands at our touchless station when you enter the spa.
  • Social distancing in our common spaces is encouraged and appreciated! We are staggering guests across our relaxation rooms to ensure safe, physical spacing.
  • During your treatments, our staff will wear a mask, face shield, and surgical gloves.
  • We are sanitizing between every guest check-in/out

Additional Safety Measures

  • All Massage Tonics staff will be wearing masks at all times
  • All staff receive a wellness check upon arrival (temperature)
  • All treatment rooms are deep-cleaned between every guest service. We’ve added 30 minutes between guest appointments to allow for adequate time.
  • All surfaces throughout the spa are cleaned regularly, along with frequently touched elements like door handles, with a medical-grade cleaning solution.
  • Advanced air purifiers with HEPA filters have been added to each treatment room to circulate the air and remove 99.97% of airborne particles.
  • UV sanitizing light wands are also swept across surfaces as an additional layer of disinfection
  • Hand sanitizer is available throughout the spa for guest and staff use

Additional questions place don’t hesitate to give us a call! We are excited to reopen. Thanks in advance for your patience as we catch our rhythm with our new safety protocols. 832-548-1323